Monday 14 July 2014

Sewing? Is it just another hobby?

How many times we, ladies end up in the fitting room trying out a dress, that looked so flawless on a mannequin but somehow doesn't on us? I mean, the low-cut neck just too revealing on our petite build while the sleeves are just too tight due to our untoned arms with the huge ruffles that makes your upper body look completely un-appealing. You just keep looking at your self while thinking, maybe if there weren't this ugly ruffles or maybe it was sleeveless instead plus the fabric was much soft and silky maybe it would fall-off our body adding this dazzle we are so helplessly looking for. What should we do? Keep hunting for this amazing dress that might be just a myth after all, or should we approach a seamstress and request for a dress made for our build? Maybe the later seems more reasonable but have you any idea how much they cost these days? Simply unbelievable, compared to the affordable H&M dresses. So, what should we do? I used to dread  my mother's complaints how i was not interested in sewing even with a sewing machine lying in the house. My mother was a different story altogether, being a housewife she found sewing to be a great way to fill the time not to mention all the experience that made her a very capable tailor. You have got no idea how WRONG i was!! Today being  in my 30s, married and a stay-at-home mother i realize mother was RIGHT!! So, i got myself this awesome machine with almost 20 stitch patterns and decided to make use of all my old clothes that's filling up the cupboard and train myself to sew, of course i still remember some of those lesson learnt in school but to simply rely on those memories itself to sew one needs room for mistakes. So old clothes are the best indeed. How do you think my blouse look now? Hahaha... i know, if i were to give someone else this blouse they would've been happy but instead i decided to cut and make a pair of leggings for my daughter. How does it look? I can't say they're stunning but then it's useful wont you agree? Instead me buying a new one, i decided some old ones for my sewing purpose makes my daughter the right model. 


Anyway, so what's next? Right now i decided to alter my considerably new dress but just too big for my fit into a skirt nonetheless. I'm excited. Unfortunately didn't take the before picture but right now too early to take the after picture too. So, patience people... will show you soon.Alright then...just to share to all of you, i will write an article soon about the ABCs of sewing. Gosh, i know i am a beginner but that is exactly what i want other beginners to know. Anyone can sew (maybe not those gorgeous party dress or those complicated saree blouse) but simple shorts, blouse and dresses.

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